Okay, okay. I said it would be next week but it actually took 2 years. What can I say I’ve been busy.
This is a follow on from the previous post about Max Effort exercise selection. The goal here through all of these blog articles is to give you the most basic bare bones information and guidance you would need to be able to set up a Conjugate/Concurrent system for yourself and your own training and competition goals. Admittedly these have come in a bit of an erratic order so far but we have covered so far:
So let's get into it.
We’ve already established what Maximal Effort (ME/ Sometimes Max Effort) days are for, how we might program the primary exercises and what the goals are each day.
So what about the Dynamic Effort Method (DE) or Dynamic Days.
I’m not going to get too much into the science of the Force Velocity Curve, Strength Speed & Speed Strength, Static Overcome by Dynamic and some other concepts from Sports Science and S&C. There is a little bit more about this in this article here. (Although there are great resources both through Westside Barbell and EliteFTS.
What we will focus on are 2 essential goals when it comes to our Dynamic Effort days.
FORCE PRODUCTION - Dynamic Effort work historically was typically performed for 9-15 sets of 2-3 reps (again there are many variations on this theme). These sets are usually undertaken using roughly 50-70% of an individual's 1RM and often with additional accommodating resistance.
This choice of Set & Rep Scheme alongside training load & the use of bands and chains allows us to practice exerting maximal force against submaximal weights.
This method is particularly useful for those competing in Powerlifting - the mentality of making sure to treat and move warm up and submaximal weights as though they were maximal not only primes the nervous system for maximal poundages come competition day but also ingrains good habits mentally and helps with maximal motor unit recruitment when it comes to maximum weight.
An individual can only strain against a weight for so long - as well as getting stronger we must also get faster.
FORM PERFECTION - Performing 12 sets of 2 reps allows the individual 12 separate ‘first reps’ - in the sport of powerlifting only this first rep matters. This is 12 opportunities to practice to perfect Unrack, ascent and descent in the movement. Exerting maximal force more safely using submaximal weights and ingraining positive and efficient movement patterns.
This means that form is essential when it comes to speed work. Just because we have 9 sets of 3 reps programmed for example this does not mean that Form or Force production should be sacrificed for the sake of ‘getting the reps done at the prescribed percentage’ or for the sake of bar speed.
All this in mind, how do we select exercises for Dynamic Effort days?
For Powerlifters DE days are a great opportunity to practice the skill of their specific power lifts
Bench Press on Dynamic Upper days performed for 9 sets of 3 reps is the most typical - usually this is done rotating between close, medium and wide grips each set. Performed in 3 week waves using (as an example) 50% of ones 1rm in week one, 55% in week 2 and 60% in week 3. There may be some accommodating resistance used.
However, the competition bench press may not be the only exercise used. Much like with Max Effort exercise selection, one could use a different Bar for example the Swiss/American/Football Bar - or neutral grip bar of your choosing.
Or use a reduced or increased range of movement depending on one’s goals, training history and/or injury status. E.g Cambered or Bow Bars or Soft Board Presses.
For Lower days - it is now typical to train both Squats and Deadlifts on the same Dynamic Lower day.
Squats can be performed with or without a Box and with a variety of Bars - as per the Max Effort Selection. Sets of 2 are usually performed although this can vary. Again these are done in 3 week waves. It is important to keep the exercise selection the same for each 3 week wave.
Dynamic Deadlifts or Speed Pulls are then performed. Often this will be 6-12 Singles although this can vary extensively. The percentages will usually be higher than for Squats and Bench Press. Usually 60-80% perhaps with additional accommodating resistance.
For the Deadlift your regular or alternative stance can be used for 3 week waves and even the trap bar can be used. More specific trap bar discussion will follow in the near future. Be very clear on your goals when using it.
For strongman competitors you can find specifics here.
Now we have covered that and considered some ways to progress this approach. What's next - well there will be an article that ties all of these together and gives you some additional tools to try and build your own Conjugate Template. You can expect that shortly……probably.
But up next we are going to discuss building the Deadlift - without deadlifting (much).